Wednesday, 15 May 2013


The presentation has been and gone, and i feel that it went quite well. It flowed well and everybody had an equal part to play and was able to showcase the part that they had done. The presentation can be found here @

Monday, 29 April 2013

Review - Emrys Williams

I think overall it turned out rather well, everyone did their part of the project well enough.  However we seemed much more focused on our individual elements rather than the project as a whole.  My contributions to the project were the slideshow and the gallery, both done in flash.  However I did also help with the "how to apply" page in Dreamweaver.

I feel that my contributions went well, especially the slideshow despite my first few attempts failing spectacularly.  However upon reflection I should have used some different images for the gallery, considering they are the same ones I used for the slideshow.  Also I feel that we needed to be a little more focsed, we only posted on the blogs in short bursts and we didn't know what anyone else was doing at times, I admit I was also guilty of being unfocused on the project at times.

-Emrys Williams

Meeting Agendas and Minutes


 MINUTES  29 April 2013

Creative Media Project
Meeting Minutes

April 29, 2013

Present: Tim Holden, Julie Jolly, Emry Williams, Aron Morris

Next meeting:

Final meeting for this Assignment

I.        Review What we’ve done so far             

Julie Jolly  has finished all individual elements
Aron  Morris has embedded most of the individual elements onto the site
Tim Holden has embedded the video.
Emrys Williams has finished Gallery .

II.      Discuss possible changes to design

There were no changes proposed.

III.    Assign any Taks

Next step is to update the Blog with our individual overviews as well as anything else that is left unfinished or unexplained.


 MINUTES FOR THE 8 April 2013

Creative Media Project
Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2013

Present: Tim Holden, Julie Jolly, Emry Williams, Aron Morris

Next meeting:

April 29,  2013  10.00am College

I.        Review What we’ve done so far             

Julie Jolly  has done 3 samples  of the Banner
Aron  Morris has finished the website design
Tim Holden has finished shooting his video
Emrys Williams has almost finished the Gallery

II.      Discuss possible changes to design

There were no changes proposed.

III.    Assign any Taks

Next step is to see the banner embedded on to the website for Julie Jolly
Emrys Williams will looking at embedding the gallery onto the website
Next step for Aron Morris is to try and embed the pieces of individual elements but also liaise with group members of any problems or help.
Next step for Tim Holden to embed his video onto the website.


 MINUTES FOR March 11 2013

Creative Media Project
Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2013

Present: Tim Holden, Julie Jolly, Emry Williams, Aron Morris

Next meeting:

April 8, 2013  10.00am College

I.      Review What we’ve done so far     

Julie Jolly gathering images for slideshow pretty much done. Has 4 images covering parts of the course module.
Aron  Morris has partly finished the website design
Tim Holden preparing to shoot video
Emrys Williams has done the slide show

II.    Discuss possible changes to design

There were no changes proposed.

III.   Assign any Taks

Next step is gathering images for Banner for Julie Jolly as well creating samples to view in next meeting
Next step for Aron Williams is to complete the website
Next step for Emrys Williams is to do a Gallery
Next step for Tim Holden is for  Julie Jolly and some other college members to help in the shooting of Tim Holden’s Video


CMP Group
Meeting Minutes

December 21, 2012


Tim Holden, Emrus Williams, Julie Jolly

Next meeting:


I.      Apologies for Absence

II.    Matters arising from the minutes

No pressing matters

III.   Review of current status

·         All tasks have been finished
·         Still room for improvement

IV.   Status Report on Tasks

Individual Elements
Ø  Tim – Movie. Completed investigation into informative videos. Also, the possibility of using virtual flipbook technology in order to display modules. (similar to an online catalogue)
Ø  Emrys – Flash research has been completed.
Ø  Julie – Completed, but in process of adding more.

V.    What must be done

Ø  Work is completed, yet there is plenty of space for improvement.

VI.   Any other business

Deadline is today.

1.       Apologies for absence

2.       Minutes of Last meeting
Has all the work been completed?

3.       Review of current status
Individual elements
Blog and mind map status

4.       Status report on tasks
Individual Elements

5.       What must be done
·         Tasks must be finalized and compiled
·         Individual documents containing contribution

6.       Any Other Business

7.       Date of Next Meeting
CMP Group
Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2012


Tim Holden, Emrus Williams, Julie Jolly

Next meeting:

21/10/12, 1:00 PM, Classroom

I.      Apologies for Absence

II.    Matters arising from the minutes

No pressing matters

III.   Review of current status

·         Preliminary research complete, but needs compiling and documenting
·         Preliminary designs have been forwarded

IV.   Status Report on Tasks

Ø  Tim – Text – Ample text for each page has been written, can be expanded upon at a later date
Ø  Emrys – Layout has been done and resource considerations nearing completion.
Ø  Julie – Images have been gathered and discussed. This is an ongoing task

V.    What must be done

Ø  Individual elements- Design and research into the individual elements must now be started tim-movie, emrys-flash, Julie-photoshop
Ø  Layout must be modified to include elements

VI.   Any other business



21/12/12, 1:00 PM

1.       Apologies for absence

2.       Minutes of Last meeting
Popplet and blog set up?

3.       Review of current status

4.       Status report on tasks

5.       What must be done
·         Individual elements
·         Layout and design

6.       Discuss resources required

7.       Any Other Business

8.       Date of Next Meeting

CMP Group
Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2012


Tim Holden, Emrus Williams, Julie Jolly

Next meeting:

26/11/12, 1:00 PM, Classroom

I.      Welcome back

Recapped work done before holidays

II.    Minutes of last meeting

Customer requirements gathered such as purpose of site and target audience

III.   Matters arising from the minutes

No pressing matters

IV.   Decide upon what needs to be done

·         Blog and Popplet account to be set up
·         Preliminary research and information gathering

V.    Assign tasks to group members

Ø  Tim – Text
Ø  Emerys – Layout
Ø  Julie - Images

VI.   Decide upon deadlines

Ø  To be done by end of november

VII. Any other business



26/11/12, 1:00 PM

Creative Media Principles Group Assignment


1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Meeting called by: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Attendees: Emrys Williams, Julie jolly, Timothy Holden
Please read: Assignment 1 Brief
Please bring: Brains
Apologies for Absence

Minutes of Last Meeting

Matters Arising From Last Meeting

Discuss Asssignment
What is needed to be done?

Assign Tasks
Any Other business
Date of Next Meeting

Creative Media Principles Group Assignment


1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Meeting called by: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Attendees: Emrys Williams, Julie jolly, Timothy Holden
Please read: Assignment 1 Brief
Please bring: Brains
Apologies for Absence

Minutes of Last Meeting

Matters Arising From Last Meeting

Discuss Asssignment
What is needed to be done?

Assign Tasks
Any Other business
Date of Next Meeting

CMP Group
Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2012

Creative Media Principles Group Assignment


1:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Meeting called by: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Attendees: Emrys Williams, Julie jolly, Timothy Holden
Please read: Assignment 1 Brief
Please bring: Brains
Apologies for Absence

Minutes of Last Meeting

Matters Arising From Last Meeting

Discuss Asssignment
What is needed to be done?

Assign Tasks
Any Other business
Date of Next Meeting


Tim Holden, Emrus Williams, Julie Jolly

Next meeting:

15/10/12, 1:00 PM, Classroom

I.      Apologies for absence


II.    Minutes of last meeting


III.   Matters arising from the minutes


IV.   Decide upon what needs to be done

Ø  Gather Customer Requirements
·         Purpose of site
·         Target audience
·         Any other reqs.

V.    Assign tasks to group members

Ø  Gather Customer Requirements : All members of group

VI.   Decide upon deadlines

Ø  Gather Customer Requirements : 15/10/12

VII. Any other business



15/10/12, 1:00 PM

Review Of the Assignment-Tim Holden

My roles in the creation of this project was Team Leader. It was up to me to arrange meetings, keep everyone motivated and on track, and make sure that the project comes together as planned. i feel that I did ok in this regard. I arranged meetings in order to keep on top of everything, but I think that having more detailed agendas could have been useful. I think think that I should have been a little more forcefull when trying to get people to try and complete their tasks.I also made the movie and contributed to the creation of the website.
I think that all other group members did their best with what they had. I should have been more helpfull when it came to ading them with teir individual elements and helping them understand how the software works. The initial focus on individual elements did, I feel, estrange us a little from the final product, so sometimes things were not quite right and had to be changed.
I feel that the website is fairly good. I do feel, however, that, due to circumstances, we did lose focus a little and the overall feel of the site does not quite fit my expectations. I think more could have been done to keep the colour scheme in line with the college's, as we had planned. With more time and skills, I would like to have spent more time in polishing the website and making it more intuitive, mabye even running a few usablility tests. I think that, if we were to do the taks again, we would be able tor apportion time more effectively. I am pleased that all of our elements fit into the site logically, this makes the site feel more natural and ingrossing.
This is a shot of the homepage, which was made by Aron, but I altered it slightly. I added the four section boxes, embedded the youtube video and flash slideshow, and changed the header and put the banner and college logos up there. I also changed the master css file that controlls the basic layout of all of the other pages, and so I changed the colour of the navigation bar that Aron made in order for it to suit the need a bit better (It was originally green). I quite like the feel of the homepage, although I would have liked it if the background gradient could have been bluish green rather than gray, since that would have fitted the college's colour scheme. I also would have spent more time formating the text, putting headers in and making the bullet points more interesting. But, overall, it doesn't look too bad. It would have been beneficial to have spent more time on the text content of the homepage.

I am quite pleased with the overall standard of all of the elements. I would have liked to spend more time shooting the raw footage. I was only able to borrow one of the students for half an hour, and his ability to be interviewed was, to put it nicely, lacking. I would have liked to have used different camera angles and zooms, and to have had the original lineup i had planned, but, unfortunately, i was unable to have them. It would have been good to have been able to spend more time in looking for a more comprehensive editing program so that I could use more powerfull effets, although I doubt my laptops ability to have coped with such a program, since it had a few glitches with OpenShot. I would have liked to have had the time to put music to the video, but i did not have enought time to spend searching for the right track. I feel that the video could have done with subtitles as well, for those with hearing difficulties. The titles could have been more interesting, and maybe using a few filter effects and distortions in order to highlight the focus of the shot.
I am pleased wit the way that, when julie is talking about the different modules, an appropriate screen recording appears. I could have done more with that and directed her comments so as they are more pointed, but i really wanted the monologue to seem natural. I am extremely happy with the admonision for girls to not fear taking up the course, and ending on a laugh, which is something I was really quite anxious to get into the video, because, i felt, that it would give the video and the course a real human, light and friendly feel, and convey the message that Julie really does enjoy the course, and is not lying, since it is very hard to fake a laugh.

If i was to start the project again, from scratch, I would set a clearer, and somewhat more rigid timeframe in which to complete all of the tasks. Also, i would have liked to have had made, from the outset, a clear vision statement, outlining the purpose of the site, so as all of the elements could have worked even better together.  I would also like to have spent more time in the disgn stage making the designs as detailed as possible in order to make the creating of the site far easier. I also think that it would have benefited us all to have spent far more time in getting to know how to create our individual elements and using the software, so as the finished work could be to a higher standard. More regular and purposefull meetings would have made sure that no one was unsure of what the yhad to do, and they could have dedicated more effort into those tasks. I would, however, have to be careful as it would be very easy to begin micro-managing everyone, which is counter-productive.