Monday, 29 April 2013

Review - Emrys Williams

I think overall it turned out rather well, everyone did their part of the project well enough.  However we seemed much more focused on our individual elements rather than the project as a whole.  My contributions to the project were the slideshow and the gallery, both done in flash.  However I did also help with the "how to apply" page in Dreamweaver.

I feel that my contributions went well, especially the slideshow despite my first few attempts failing spectacularly.  However upon reflection I should have used some different images for the gallery, considering they are the same ones I used for the slideshow.  Also I feel that we needed to be a little more focsed, we only posted on the blogs in short bursts and we didn't know what anyone else was doing at times, I admit I was also guilty of being unfocused on the project at times.

-Emrys Williams

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